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There is no pricelist,

and here’s why…

Every photographic opportunity is unique, on many levels. It all begins with an in-depth consultation, for which there is never a fee. I can’t begin to derrive a quote until I know fully what clients are looking for and wanting for an end result, which I will then backtrack to location, times and time involved, travel (if any), special requirements, etc. I need to know everything that is expected and needed before creating a quote. I can assure you this: my prices and terms will be very fair. Plus, I’m fun to work with! Confidentiality is very important. I don’t publish any pictures with identifiable faces unless I am given permission to do so. I have various contracts that guarantee my work and protect everyone’s rights….whatever the shoot, everyone will rest assured all is ‘above board’ so I can focus on my work (yep, pun intended). I now shoot exclusively on-location, with the exception of certain product photography. I can work in homes and other indoor venues, and I especially like working outdoors, weather permitting, of course. Be it around Lake Junaluska, the Blue Ridge Parkway, or any number of beautiful backdrops, there are many options that create stunning images. Travel is no problem, either. Weddings…I must admit my favorite part of weddings is capturing all the candid shots at the reception. It’s just flat out fun bouncing around and catching smiles from everyone. Too, I know there are a lot of couples that don’t have much money to work with. I don’t want anyone with a tight budget to not get quality images of their special day, so I approach weddings in a unique way… For weddings and portraits, I don’t sell ‘packages’, at least not in the traditional sense. Once I edit through all of the images (and I am very persnicketty…there’s that word again!), clients get a thumb drive with all of the ‘winners’ to print and use as they wish. I’ll include an accompanying letter for permission should any place question a copyright issue. All images are backed up and kept safe in case something should happen. I shoot just about anything, so if you have any questions, please email me…the link is in the upper right corner.