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Special Feature…
The story behind the
(Click on pics to enlarge)
All my life I’ve been a “Lark”, “Squirrel”, waking up
before roosters even come to life. And so it was
one Christmas where family had gathered at an
Airbnb, that ecause of dogs and a toddler, we
decided against a tree and simply strung up
colored lights along the wall.
In my typical fashion, I got up around 4am and cut
on the lights and headed to the kitched to get my
mandatory coffee pot brewing. The stainless steel
refrigerator surface gave me the gift of the above
image as the lights reflected on it. I simply put the
phone in Pro Mode and moved around to the left
until the lights were tightly banded. One of my
teaching philosophies is, “It’s not what you see but
how you see it.”
Yes, I shot this with my cell phone! I am a
Samsung devotee, and while this image was shot
with the Note10 5G Plus, I now use the s22
Ultra…the next “Feature” will be of purely
incredible images captured with my phone. I
printed an 18x24 image on metallic paper that is
stunning….and available for purchase! Email me.